Goal: Design an Educational Visit Reservation App for Museum of Contemporary Art of Santa Fe
Challenge: Ensure the museum app provides all the information that coordinators need to plan a successful Formal Project to take people outside of Institute. 
My role: Generalist UX  (User research, Empathy maps, Define, Personas, Journey Maps, Wireframing, User flows, Prototyping, Testings, Final Mock ups)
Duration: 40 hours
Two storyboards were created. Both helped the team and stakeholders understand the new app's idea and the concept that was proposed.
WIREFRAMES - low fidelity
Insight after conducting Testing: 
Based on the topic: Museum info.
The finding are that it is necessary to expose:
 the facade, history, authorities, purpose. policies, why to visit, schedules, location, how to get there, price, accessibility, contact.
Based on the topic: Exhibition Info.
The finding are that it is necessary to expose:
 General sample info and when is-, dynamics, works, price, suggested age if any, duration and rules during the tour. 
 Based on the topic: Fill the reservation
The finding are that it is necessary to consider::
Add type of institution, change general data hierarchy, use input fields, divide information nedeed in sections.
Mock ups- high fidelity

Based on the topic: Museum info
Decisions made
 In order to cover one of the museum information topics, one of the first screens shows the facade of the museum.

 Homescreen categories included location and schedules, purpose and value, history and mission and accessibility. These were disposed of by gruops in order to refer to what users need and want to know about the Museum.

Based on the topic: Exhibition Info.
Decisions made
Because the key part is to let the user know when the exhibition took place, full exhibition information is not included in the short presentation on homescreen. Instead, a "see more" button is in there to provide more information about the exhibition. Also the user can filter exhibition by four oprions: Curent, future, last or all exhibitions. 

Based on the topic: Fill the reservation.
Decisions made
To make the process dynamic, all information needed to complete a reservation was divided into sections, where input fields were created to save users' time. 

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